Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Response to the movie about ‘Sarah Baartman’

Prejudice and Racism by White Supremacy

             Sarah Baartman is one of a symbol of racism in 19th century. She was black and slavery and had prominent appearance. She was born in South Africa. After white occupied South Africa, she became slavery in Dutch farm. One day, slave owner suggested her to go to England so that Sarah could make a lot of money, but she couldn’t. Sarah was exhibited because she had a prominent appearance, such as big boobs and big buttocks, because her appearance was not friendly with European as if people go to a zoo. However, she was not guaranteed her profit of exhibition. After abolitionist’s activities, she was guaranteed her profit, but one Frenchman bought her as slavery. A Frenchman was an animal trainer. Sarah was treated as one of an animal. At that time, European didn’t consider African American, specifically ‘Khoikhoi’ people which is Sarah’s tribe, as people, European thought those people were a kind of animal. After several years, she became alcoholic and prostitute and died in 1815. After her death, European had considered her as an animal and become one of subject of scientific research. Her body couldn’t go back her country. After 200 years when she arrived in England, her body eventually got back to South Africa.
             As we learn Henrietta Lacks in the book ‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’, some black people had been treated as an animal not human. Because of their color and appearance, Henrietta couldn’t go to general hospital and was tested for medical research, and also Sarah Baartman was exhibited as an animal. These examples were happened in White country. Why did white people trade black people as slavery? Why were black people treated discriminately?
Is there any right or permission for white to do? From my prospective, all people has right to be equally, but White people had and have ‘White Supremacy’. For a longtime, White people had flourished their culture in their region ‘Europe’ and there was no cross-culture with black. Maybe, white people didn’t know how to treat when white met black, and white people noticed that white culture was more developed than black. They might think black are uncivilized. For them, uncivilizing existence means animal because animal also cannot be civilized, so they got to know how to treat black as if they handle with dog. White are civilized and black are uncivilized enough, so they might think they are superior to others. Because of this notion, white people didn’t hesitate to handle them as slavery and to do anything to them without feeling guilty. As time goes by, society has been developed and given chances to all people equally. Like white people achieve in society, black people have proved their ability to achieve. After a lot of sacrifices of victims of racism, we finally get to know human are equal. Supremacy is a relic of the past. World require globalization. In globalism, specific tribe’s supremacy can be a fact to ruin their society and country.
             Sarah Baartman is just an ordinary woman, also Henrietta Lacks. They are just black. There’s no right to handle them like they are animal. Now, the world wants people to be gathered and to do something together. Racism and discrimination is a garbage bag which we must throw out in our field for the purpose of globalizing world. ‘White supremacy’ is an obstacle we must eliminate in our neighborhood. About racism, actually, the society gets better than before. At least, society is trying to give an equal chance to all people and people prove it. Black and Yellow people advance into a lot of field such as high class society and sports. I maybe thank those people who had sacrificed themselves for equal society, specifically black, because racism is getting to be degraded by black’s sacrifices. Asian easily gets into white society beyond comparison. In the world, people have right to move in everywhere to live and to do economic activities in everywhere. Instead of supremacy and racism, we must take tolerance and endearment for our neighborhood.

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