Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Revise midterm

The reason Historians and journalists need to be neutral

             From ancient times, humans have recorded history in a variety of ways, such as drawing, sculpturing and writing. The relics of the past teach us the details of what happened in the past. Historians record to deliver information to others in their culture or others who do not know that culture. Recorded history often has limitations when trying to understand past events because historians and journalists are not always objective. Historians should be honest and fair in gathering and reporting information, as they owe a duty to the public.
             Historian can mislead societies by recording false information as truth. For example, consider japan in The Middle Age. In Japanese mythology and recorded history, the Japanese believed that they were the sons of God. The Japanese also believed that non-Japanese people were inferior and should be conquered. In the 16th century began invading other Asian countries. This became an inspiration for the Japanese during World War 2. The Nazis used the same type of false reasoning as well. These examples show how societies can be misled y biased accounts of history and events and historians who are not objective.
             Historians have a duty to present all relevant facts as they record events. Historical facts are simply not composed of “good” or “evil”, “winners” or “losers.” There are many components to historical objective events. Often, ancient history is recorded from the “winner’s” point of view which is biased and not objective. The loser’s story most also be told to provide a blance toward truth.
             According to Rebecca Skloot in her book ‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’,Skloot states “it’s not only the story of HeLa cells and Henrietta Lacks but of Henrietta’s family.” Skloot writes about who Henrietta Lacks was, who her relatives were, and what happened to the Lacks family. Sklook’s ability to convey facts without bias shows what proper journalists need to do when they report. Historians have the same obligation. When full disclosure occurs, people can then judge facts themselves and be more informed.
             As we have seen, recorders of history need to be objective like journalists. In ancient times, during the Middle Ages, and recently, it was difficult to record all information and facts because it was hard to exchange information between people and cultures. Today the exchange of information is current and fast. The current world recorders can gather all facts and information with little effort. The historians and journalists should be neutral individual judgment because conclusions should be the right of the individual. Interpreting the value of history is for the reader, and the next generation not for the wirter.

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